Alex meets Marianela Schiava
January 20, 2021 2:38 pmThe last time that Alex visited Newcastle he was so pleased to be able to meet Marianela Schiava. Marianela is the Clinical Research Associate, a position that Alex’s Wish funded £30,000 towards, alongside Duchenne UK.
Marianela’s role was identified to ensure that the data generated by the FOR DMD study will be used to address new clinical and research questions. The study seeks to provide detailed information about the effects of different corticosteroid regimes, which will assist families and clinicians in deciding the best treatment, and support trial design, including being used as a control group for current and future clinical trials.
Marianela also helps ensure that the results from the FOR-DMD original study are communicated effectively to patients and their families who took part in the study, as well as to other patients and the clinical community in general. We expect they will present the results personally at conferences and meetings (when the study clinicians are unable to be there).
“I have been devoted to study neuromuscular diseases. I did a one-year fellowship in neuromuscular diseases and neurophysiology at Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires in Argentina and I have just moved to Newcastle in order to work at John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Centre as a Clinical Research Associate. I feel really enthusiastic about this unique opportunity I have been offered since JWMDRC is a prestigious international recognised institution for the diagnosis and treatment of genetic neuromuscular diseases.”
“It is my desire that the work that my colleagues and I are going to carry out would make a contribution to the understanding of this disease in order to provide boys with DMD a better future.”
It has been so lovely to meet her and we look forward to the results of the study.
Posted in Funding, Research News, Uncategorized