What we do

Our vision is to witness a world without Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

We want a world where Duchenne becomes a manageable and treatable condition that can be lived with. We want a future where the devastating impact Duchenne has on our children no longer exists.  A future where they can grow and prosper and fulfill their dreams whilst not living trapped in their own bodies.  A life where they can enjoy every single day without the fear of what Duchenne will bring.

Our vision is to cure everyone affected by Duchenne and to bring new treatments to this generation of children and young adults.

Everything we do is with this in mind. Please download our Alex’s Wish – Case for Support for more details.


Our mission

Within the next 10 years, we want to stop the devastating effects this condition has on boys and young adults with Duchenne. We want to save their lives.

We will achieve this by working closely with Duchenne UK and the leading scientists from around the world to bring potential viable new life-saving drugs to market.


Our values

  • We are a small but ambitious charity with a big heart
  • We go the extra mile in making our supporters feel valued
  • We are positive, upbeat and committed totally to our aim
  • We are totally transparent
  • We invest quickly into the promising new treatments and projects to furthre our mission
  • Collaborate with other Duchenne charities – we know we are so much stronger together


Our urgent need for funding

We need to provide substantial funding to several clinical trial/research projects as we well as fund vital clinical posts to run these trials over the next 3 to 5 years.  This will provide a catalyst to drive significant investment from biotech and pharmaceutical companies.  We have raised over £2.3M so far, with thanks to our amazing supporters. Our next mission is to raise another £1M over the next 3 years, but ultimately we will not stop until a cure is found. 

A significant factor in getting treatments out of the laboratory and into clinic is funding! Rare diseases get very little funding from the government so it is down to charities such as Alex’s Wish to do it. It is likely multiple drugs and treatments will be needed to repair, restore or replace the missing protein in Duchenne called ‘dystrophin’. This missing protein is what causes the disease.

Having met and spoken to some of the best organizations in the world conquering Duchenne it is clear that for the very first time there is likely to be a chance of a major breakthrough. This generation of children could be the ones to survive this condition but only if action is taken now.

With only one treatment available Translarna which was given the green light by NICE in April 2016 will only treat around 13% of the Duchenne population, that’s 50 boys in UK, we have to work hard to find more treatments that will treat ALL boys and not just a sub-set. However, with the first drug that treats the underlining effects of Duchenne, it is a huge step in the right direction.

Givinostat – a new drug is currently going through NICE for approval – this was the first drug ever to be shown to be delaying disease progression and hopefully will be available to everyone affected by Duchenne very soon here in the UK.