Translarna first ever drug will treat 50 boys in England
April 20, 2016 1:43 pmWe were thrilled to hear the news last Friday, that NICE have given the green light on Translarna – the first ever drug to treat the underlying cause of Duchenne for those eligible. Whilst this is great news for those it will help 50 boys in England, it will not help all. We have 2,500 boys in England currently living with Duchenne so we have a long way still to go. Unfortunately Translarna will not help Alex and many more boys like him, but we are pleased its finally had go-head for NHS to fund the new drug for those it will help.
Alex’s Wish joined Action Duchenne several months ago by campaigning at Westminster and we hope this will pave the way for new drugs to market soon that will help all boys with Duchenne.
For more information on Translarna, please visit Action Duchenne’s website.
Posted in Research News