Online Charity Quiz Raises £707 For Alex’s Wish
December 10, 2020 12:57 pmAn online charity quiz organised by Vehicle Consulting, Leicester has raised over £700 for local charity Alex’s Wish.
Jayne Stephenson of Vehicle Consulting said, “We first heard about Alex’s Wish two years ago when I joined a networking group with Emma – the founder of Alex’s Wish and Mum to Alex, after whom the charity is named. I was driven to tears when I first saw Emma’s 10 minute presentation about Alex’s Wish. I was, and continue to be, amazed at how hard Emma and her team work and her positivity and drive.
“I’ve run a quiz every Christmas for the last two years for different charities. I decided to run the one I had lined up for this Christmas early this year as I felt people might appreciate having something to do during lockdown. The response was fantastic, especially the number of people who donated even though they didn’t do the quiz. I had friends buy quizzes for their friends and then their friends donated as well because they enjoyed it so much. The most heart-warming part was when all three winners donated their prize money back to Alex’s Wish. That was £100 in total which was donated originally to the quiz by Vehicle Consulting.”
Emma Hallam of Alex’s Wish said, “I can’t thank Jayne and Vehicle Consulting enough for all they have done. Lockdown has been hard for a lot of people and to think that Jayne and Vehicle Consulting where thinking about how they could help Alex’s Wish is humbling. I’d like to thank Jayne, the team at Vehicle Consulting and everyone who took part in the online quiz for their kindness and generosity – particularly the three winners who donated their prizes back to Alex’s Wish. It’s incredible to know what people will do for others and I’m so very, very grateful.”
Alex’s Wish continue to fundraise to find treatments and a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a life-limiting disease with, currently, few treatments and no cure which mainly affects boys. Added Emma, “Despite the challenging times we’re all going through we keep pushing forward. We have to because diseases like this don’t ever take a break and with, literally, every day that passes boys become weaker and weaker. We’ve had to think on our feet and react quickly as COVID-19 hit and lockdown took place but our supporters have been amazing and we’re still here and raising money to beat this cruel disease.”
Posted in Business Support