Alex’s Wish Golf Day
September 28, 2017 10:46 amThe 7th Annual Golf Day took place on Friday 22nd September at Rothley Park Golf Course with this year’s main sponsor being Stephen George + Partners. We were so lucky with the weather after the previous day’s downpour.
We had 23 teams taking part arriving to register in the sunshine, with a cup of coffee and a breakfast roll on arrival. Emma started the golf with the airhorn for a shotgun start at 1pm. Throughout the play there were golf buggies whizzing around the course with refreshments for all the golfers.
All the teams were greeted off the course by a glass of Prosecco sponsored by Sturgess Hutchinson and a goody bag. The evening ended with a delicious hot buffet dinner, raffle and Prize Giving.
The First Prize was won by Strategic Insurance, second by Stephen George and third was won by The Naked Athletes. The Longest Drive was won by Jonathan Carlisle and Nearest the Pin by Ian Caveney.
We would like to thank all our sponsors for the day:
Our main sponsor Stephen George + Partners
Staniforth Architects for sponsoring the Brunch, Hallam Read for the Refreshments, Brooksure Insurance for all the team prizes, Sturgess Hutchinson for the Prosecco reception, B-in-Line for Nearest the Pin, Sturgess Jaguar for the Longest Drive. All our hole sponsors – Sturgess Hutchinson, Brooksure Insurance, Total Motion, Charnwood Brewery, EME Installations, RDZ PR, Astill Planning, Glynis Wright Solicitors, Network Midlands, Synergy Personnel Services, Jay Webb Consultancy, Palace Contracts, Tropics Skincare, Annie Rea Physiotherapy and United Carpets.
We would also like to say thanks to all our volunteers on the day – we couldn’t have done it without you – Jemma, Lisa, Will, Ben, Gavin and Sophie.
Together we raised an amazing £8,516.30 – which is our best year so far, so thank you all for your fantastic support.
For all the photo’s from the day see here
Posted in Events